Importance of Social Media in Job Search

Let us honestly admit that we adore social media. Social media has become a vital part of our lives. In a split second, you can get to know about anything & everything. Companies use social media to reach out to the masses & engage with customers. Social recruitment is the new norm now. More companies are switching to social media in the recruitment process for hiring talents across the globe.

Companies can view your social profile easily in a click to assess your presence & gain more insight into your professional life. Recent studies suggest that over 90% of the companies use LinkedIn for hiring apart from Facebook, Twitter & Snap chat. LinkedIn is the professional showcase of your candidature for a job. LinkedIn is a medium to build connections & develop a powerful network.

Here’s how social media accounts can affect the job search & why it’s important.

Acts as evidence in case of discrepancy in resume

Your social media profile is how you present yourself to the world. Recruiters can validate your employment details, names of employers & even education details & check for any possible gaps. Any varying information between the two can bring a hurdle in the selection process.

Substantiates your experience & expertise

Recruiters are going to compare your skills, accomplishments & experience as stated in your resume. Recommendations & endorsements by your colleagues on LinkedIn can help validate your expertise & give the employers the credibility whether you’re qualified at an expert level or not.

Facilitates your profile to get ranked on Google

Search engines like Google deliver a lot of results from LinkedIn for certain search terms. Chances are your profile on LinkedIn can get ranked on the first page of the results if you have an engaging profile with keywords highlighting your professional portfolio. Your profile can help you stand amongst the crowd.

 Supports you in getting hired

LinkedIn is a virtual way to build solid professional connections. With the help of LinkedIn, you can create several connections & build your professional network. Your connections from a previous firm or your acquaintance can also help you get a job if they discover you’re available.


Increases your visibility among recruiters

An active & appealing social media profile shows that you like communicating with a diversified group of people. Your participation in events or public forums shows that you take an active interest in what’s happening around the world. Potential employers can get influenced by the same & get you hired.

So, it’s time you start thinking about social media profiles as your employee brand. Be careful with what you post. Make sure you update your profile & qualifications to match jobs you’re applying for. Leveraging social media with all the available tools can help the employers understand you better.

The power of social media can help you land your next best-suited job